Conference Outline
*Please be aware that the above schedule may be subject to change.
Conference Venue: Hotel Barcelona Condal Mar Affiliated by Meliá
12:00-13:00: Pre-conference Check-in & Coffee | Hotel Barcelona Condal Mar Lobby (Ground Floor)
13:00-13:15: Announcements | Gràcia Room (Basement Level)
13:15-13:55: IAFOR Information Session
IAFOR and Conference Publications Information Session
Melina Neophytou, The International Academic Forum (IAFOR), Japan
14:00-16:00: Featured Workshop | Gràcia Room (Basement Level)
Communicating Knowledge Through the Wreckage of Disinformation: An Exploratory Workshop
Heitor Alvelos, University of Porto, Portugal
Susana Barreto, University of Porto, Portugal
16:00-16:15: Coffee Break
16:15-17:15: Rumba Catalana Performance and Workshop | Gràcia Room (Basement Level)
A Journey Through the History of the Catalan Rumba
Joan Delgado, The Raval's Band, Spain
Agustín Gálvez, The Raval's Band, Spain
Conference Venues: TBS Education Barcelona & Hotel Barcelona Condal Mar
09:00-09:55: Conference Check-in & Coffee | 7F Auditorium (TBS Education Barcelona)
09:55-10:05: Welcome Announcements | 7F Auditorium (TBS Education Barcelona) & Online
10:05-10:30: Welcome Address & Recognition of IAFOR Scholarship Winners | 7F Auditorium (TBS Education Barcelona) & Online
Joseph Haldane, The International Academic Forum (IAFOR), Japan
Anne Boddington, IAFOR & Middlesex University, United Kingdom
10:35-11:00: Keynote Presentation | 7F Auditorium (TBS Education Barcelona) & Online
The Horizon of our Common Cause: Narratives, Ideas and Conviviality
Baden Offord, Curtin University, Australia
11:00-11:10: Q&A Session
11:15-11:40: Keynote Presentation | 7F Auditorium (TBS Education Barcelona) & Online
East Wind, West Wind: Intertextuality, Transculturality, and Temporal and Spatial (Re)creations in the Cinema of Miyazaki Hayao
Raúl Fortes-Guerrero, University of Valencia, Spain
11:40-11:50: Q&A Session
11:50-12:10: Conference Photograph
12:10-13:45: Lunch Break (lunch provided) | Mediterranean Restaurant (Hotel Barcelona Condal Mar)
13:45-14:10: Keynote Presentation | 7F Auditorium (TBS Education Barcelona) & Online
Future-Focused Education Through Critical Appreciative Dialogue
Yirga Gelaw Woldeyes, Centre for Human Rights Education, Curtin University, Australia
14:10-14:20: Q&A Session
14:25-15:25: Panel Presentation | 7F Auditorium (TBS Education Barcelona) & Online
Adult Education and Learning (AEL) in Spain: Challenges and Opportunities
Dolors Ortega Arévalo, University of Barcelona, Spain (Moderator)
Mercedes Molina, Valencian Community, Spain
Eva Martín Álvarez, Teacher Center of Aragó, Spain
Carme Martínez, Fem Pedagogia & Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain
Frederic Johnson Esteve, Valencian Community, Spain (not attending)
15:25-15:45: Coffee Break
15:45-16:45: Forum Discussion | 7F Auditorium (TBS Education Barcelona) & Online
Global Citizenship and Responsible Tourism
Donald E. Hall, Binghamton University, United States (Moderator)
Melina Neophytou, The International Academic Forum (IAFOR), Japan (Moderator)
17:00-18:00: Conference Poster Session & Welcome Reception | Gràcia Room (Hotel Barcelona Condal Mar, Basement Level)
20:00-22:00: Conference Dinner | Farga Beethoven
This is a ticketed event
Location: Hotel Barcelona Condal Mar Affiliated by Meliá
08:30-09:00: Conference Check-in & Coffee | Hotel Barcelona Condal Mar Lobby (Ground Floor)
09:00-10:40: Onsite Parallel Session 1
(1F) Barceloneta: BCE | Gender Issues in Education
(1F) Mar Bella: BCE | Inclusive & Equitable Education
(1F) Nova Icaria: BCE | Education & Difference: Special Education, Learning Difficulties & Disability
(1F) Sant Sebastià: BCE | Creativity & Engagement in Higher Education (Workshops)
(B1) Eixample: BCE | AI in Curriculum Design & Development
(B1) Gòtic: BCE | Foreign Languages Education & Applied Linguistics (including ESL/TESL/TEFL)
(B1) Gràcia: BAMC | Communication
(B1) PobleNou: BAMC | Education/Pedagogy
(B1) Sants: BCE | Culture, Inter/Multiculturalism & Language
10:40-10:55: Coffee Break
10:55-12:10: Onsite Parallel Session 2
(1F) Barceloneta: BCE | Sustainability of Higher Education Institutions
(1F) Mar Bella: BCE | Educational Technologies in Practice
(1F) Nova Icaria: BCE | Psychological Concerns in Education
(1F) Sant Sebastià: BAMC | Ageing Studies (Workshop)
(B1) Eixample: BCE | Online Education Experiences
(B1) Gòtic: BCE | Foreign Languages Education & Applied Linguistics (including ESL/TESL/TEFL)
(B1) Gràcia: BAMC | Media Studies
(B1) PobleNou: BAMC | Climate Change and Arts, Media, Culture
(B1) Sants: BCE | Cultural Literacy & Pedagogy
12:10-13:10: Lunch Break (lunch provided) | Mediterranean Restaurant
13:10-14:50: Onsite Parallel Session 3
(1F) Barceloneta: BCE | Teaching Experiences in International Education
(1F) Mar Bella: BCE | Inclusive Education
(1F) Nova Icaria: BCE | Education & Difference: Special Education, Learning Difficulties & Disability
(1F) Sant Sebastià: BCE | Inclusion & Social Justice in Higher Education (Workshops)
(B1) Eixample: BCE | AI & Digital Transformation in Higher Education
(B1) Gòtic: BCE | Teaching & Learning Strategies in Foreign Languages Education
(B1) Gràcia: BAMC | Media Studies
(B1) PobleNou: BAMC | Education/Pedagogy
(B1) Sants: BCE | Employability & Entrepreneurial Education
14:50-15:05: Coffee Break
15:05-16:45: Onsite Parallel Session 4
(1F) Barceloneta: BCE | Distance Learning Experiences
(1F) Mar Bella: BCE | Inclusive, Equal, Equitable Education
(1F) Nova Icaria: BCE | Interdisciplinary & Multidisciplinary Research
(1F) Sant Sebastià: BAMC | Film Studies
(B1) Eixample: BCE | Applied Technology in Education
(B1) Gòtic: BCE | Foreign Languages Education & Applied Linguistics (including ESL/TESL/TEFL)
(B1) Gràcia: BAMC | Ethnicity, Difference, Identity
(B1) PobleNou: BAMC | Education/Pedagogy
(B1) Sants: BAMC | Ageing & Discrimination
16:45-17:00: Coffee Break
17:00-18:15: Onsite Parallel Session 5
(1F) Sant Sebastià: BAMC | Communication & Culture
(B1) Gràcia: BAMC | Communication
(B1) PobleNou: BAMC | Aesthetics & Design
(B1) Sants: BCE | International Education
Location: Hotel Barcelona Condal Mar Affiliated by Meliá
08:30-09:00: Conference Check-in & Coffee | Hotel Barcelona Condal Mar Lobby (Ground Floor)
09:00-10:40: Onsite Parallel Session 1
(1F) Barceloneta: BCE | Mathematics Education
(1F) Mar Bella: BCE | Speaking Skills in Education
(1F) Nova Icaria: BAMC | Literature, Literary Studies and Theory
(1F) Sant Sebastià: BCE | Professional Training, Development & Concerns in Education
(B1) Eixample: BCE | Teaching & Learning Techniques
(B1) Gòtic: BCE | Educational Policy & Concerns
(B1) Gràcia: BCE | Online Teaching & Learning Experiences
(B1) PobleNou: BCE | Work-Readiness Skills in Higher Education
(B1) Sants: BAMC | Visual Culture
10:40-10:55: Coffee Break
10:55-12:10: Onsite Parallel Session 2
(1F) Barceloneta: BCE | Mathematics Curricula & Pedagogy
(1F) Mar Bella: BCE | STEM Education
(1F) Nova Icaria: BAMC | Linguistics, Literature and Culture
(1F) Sant Sebastià: BAMC | Performing Arts Practices: Theatre, Dance, Music
(B1) Eixample: BCE | Teaching & Learning Experiences
(B1) Gòtic: BCE | Educational Policy, Leadership, Management & Administration
(B1) Gràcia: BCE | AI and Online Education
(B1) PobleNou: BCE | Online Learning in Higher Education
(B1) Sants: BAMC | Arts Practices
12:10-13:10: Lunch Break (lunch provided) | Mediterranean Restaurant
13:10-14:50: Onsite Parallel Session 3
(1F) Barceloneta: BCE | Arts in Education
(1F) Mar Bella: BCE | Contemporary Issues in Education
(1F) Nova Icaria: BCE | Professional Training, Development & Concerns in Education
(1F) Sant Sebastià: BCE | Pedagogical Design & Academic Excellence
(B1) Eixample: BCE | Teaching & Learning Experiences in EFL
(B1) Gòtic: BCE | Educational Policy, Leadership, Management & Administration
(B1) Gràcia: BCE | AI in Foreign Language Education
(B1) PobleNou: BCE | Higher Education
(B1) Sants: BAMC | Cultural Studies
14:50-15:05: Coffee Break
15:05-16:45: Onsite Parallel Session 4
(1F) Barceloneta: BCE | AI in Education
(1F) Mar Bella: BCE | Learning Experiences & Strategies
(1F) Nova Icaria: BAMC | Digital Humanities
(1F) Sant Sebastià: BCE | Curriculum Design & Development
(B1) Eixample: BCE | Teaching Experiences in Childhood Education
(B1) Gòtic: BCE | Inclusive & Equitable Education
(B1) Gràcia: BCE | Bi/Multilingual Learning
(B1) PobleNou: BCE | Research Skills
(B1) Sants: BAMC | Cultural Studies
16:45-17:00: Closing Session | Gràcia Room (Basement Level)
Location: Online
07:55-08:00: Message from IAFOR
08:00-09:40: Online Parallel Session 1
Live-Stream Room 1: BCE | Teaching Experiences, Pedagogy, Practice & Praxis
Live-Stream Room 2: BCE | Assessment Theories & Methodologies
Live-Stream Room 3: BAMC | Media Studies
09:40-09:50: Break
09:50-11:05: Online Parallel Session 2
Live-Stream Room 1: BCE | Adult, Lifelong & Distance Learning
Live-Stream Room 2: BCE | Professional Training, Development & Concerns in Education
Live-Stream Room 3: BAMC | Cultural Studies
11:05-11:15: Break
11:15-12:55: Online Parallel Session 3
Live-Stream Room 1: BCE | Learning Experiences, Student Learning & Learner Diversity
Live-Stream Room 2: BCE | AI in Education
Live-Stream Room 3: BAMC | Interdisciplinary Arts, Media, & Culture
12:55-13:05: Break
13:05-14:45: Online Parallel Session 4
Live-Stream Room 1: BCE | Higher Education
Live-Stream Room 2: BCE | Design, Implementation & Assessment of Innovative Technologies in Education
Live-Stream Room 3: BCE | Teaching & Learning Methodologies
14:45-14:50: Message from IAFOR
*Please be aware that the above schedule may be subject to change.
Featured Speakers
Featured Presentations
Conference Programme & Abstract Book
The online version of the Conference Programme is now available to view below via the Issuu viewing platform. Alternatively, download a PDF version. The Conference Programme can also be viewed on the Issuu website (requires a web browser). An Issuu app is available for Android users.
The Conference Programme contains access information, session information and a detailed day-to-day presentation schedule.
Pre-Recorded Virtual Presentations
A number of presenters have submitted pre-recorded virtual video presentations. We encourage you to watch these presentations and provide feedback through the video comments.
Important Information Emails
All registered attendees will receive an Important Information email and updates in the run-up to the conference. Please check your email inbox for something from "". If you can not find these emails in your normal inbox, it is worth checking in your spam or junk mail folders as many programs filter out emails this way. If these did end up in one of these folders, please add the address to your acceptable senders' folder by whatever method your email program can do this.
Attendee Guide
Please carefully read the Attendee Guide.
Previous Programming
View details of programming for past BCE conferences via the links below.
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