Aspiring to a Sense of Belonging: Experiences of a Generation 1.5 Student in Higher Education (73086)

Session Information: Higher Education
Session Chair: Mzia Tsereteli

Friday, 22 September 2023 11:25
Session: Session 2
Room: Eixample
Presentation Type:Oral Presentation

All presentation times are UTC + 2 (Europe/Madrid)

The study focuses on the navigation and negotiation of a Generation 1.5 student in her aspiration to obtain of a sense of belonging on a diverse campus. A sense of belonging is associated with the extent to which students feel connected and accepted within the campus community. The study is guided by the central research question: How do the experiences of a Generation 1.5 student in higher education contribute to the aspiration for a sense of belonging? Reflective writing exercises and semi-structured interviews were used to collect data from one Generation 1.5 student. Using narrative methodology, the participant's experiences regarding her aspiration for a sense of belonging were explored. The data captured the participant's in-between identity between two continents (London and South Africa) within her community space and university context. Yuval-Davids' (2006) levels of belonging were employed as theoretical lens. An inductive thematic analysis highlighted the themes in the data. The data is presented under the following themes: the intersection of language and race in the aspiration for a sense of belonging; emotional experiences in the aspiration for belonging, and navigation of a sense of belonging through shared values. The analysis of the data reveals that a Generation 1.5 student's global and local knowledge contributes to multilingualism and multiculturalism. Generation 1.5's hybrid identity enables the aspiration of a sense of belonging on a diverse campus.

Emma Groenewald, Sol Plaatje University, South Africa

About the Presenter(s)
Dr Emma Groenewald is a University Assistant Professor/Lecturer at Sol Plaatje University in South Africa

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Posted by Clive Staples Lewis

Last updated: 2023-02-23 23:45:00