Caty Ribas-Segura


Dr Caty Ribas-Segura graduated from the University of Barcelona with a BA in English Philology in 2003, an MA in English Studies in 2005 and a PhD in Australian Literature in 2013. She joined the Languages Department at University College Alberta Giménez (CESAG) (Palma de Mallorca) in 2006, a college which is now part of Comillas Pontifical University (UP Comillas). Currently, she is the university’s Research Coordinator, teaches English at the faculties of Education, Communication and Sports Science and, since 2013, has also managed the English Language School. Her research focuses on Greek and Chinese migrant literature in Australia and historical and contemporary crime fiction in Australia. She is a member of the Centre for Australian and Transnational Studies at the University of Barcelona and of the research group TransLit at the University of Oviedo. She is the coordinator of the Postcolonial Studies panel at AEDEAN (Spanish Association of Anglo-American Studies) conferences, the main Spanish association for English Studies. She was a member of the ministry-funded research project POCRIF: Postcolonial Crime Fiction (2014-2017). She has published more than twenty texts, participated in more than thirty national and international congresses and been a guest speaker in undergraduate and postgraduate courses in Spain and Thailand.

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