Dr Mario Pace of the University of Malta, Malta, has been announced as the first Spotlight Speaker at The 2nd Barcelona Conference on Education (BCE2021), with his presentation titled “Sustaining Excellence in Academic Research in the Context of the New Normal”.
Presentations are given Spotlight status when they are decided by the Organising Committee to have wide appeal and are of particular interest to academics within the field of education.
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The presentation will also be available for IAFOR Members to view online. To find out more, please visit the IAFOR Membership page.
IAFOR Journal of Education (Scopus Indexed Journal)
This conference is associated with the Scopus and DOAJ listed IAFOR Journal of Education.
Sustaining Excellence in Academic Research in the Context of the New Normal
During the past 18 months, public health mitigation strategies across the globe have affected research to varying degrees. By way of example, university research in China was subject to strict control measures and was specifically focused on the mitigation of the spread of the virus across the country. In other parts of the globe, such as in the United States and in Europe, the majority of research activities considered as “nonessential” were suspended for specific time frames by various institutions. These not only included laboratory research in the physical and life sciences but also field-based activities involving direct human contact, such as educational research. In the first part of the paper a twofold analysis of the subject in question will be presented, namely “Sustaining Excellence in Academic Research”, and secondly, “The Context of the New Normal” while the second part will identify a variety of challenges and their unequal impact on different groups in the research community as a result of the pandemic. More than ever before, the need is felt for high-quality research that can serve as a source of reliable information, innovation, and “know-how” that is shared through various means across the globe. The current COVID-19 situation should not lead us to put a pause on our research activities but, on the contrary, as a global research community we should look at it as an opportunity to sustain excellence in academic research by aligning our ongoing work with the changing and pressing realities of the time.
Speaker Profile
Dr Mario Pace
University of Malta, Malta
Chev. Dr Mario Pace is a Resident Senior Lecturer at the Department of Languages and Humanities in Education within the Faculty of Education at the University of Malta. He is also regularly invited as a Visiting Professor to hold lectures and seminars at various Universities and Educational Institutions across Europe. Dr Pace, an expert in the training and formation of teachers of foreign languages, also works in very close collaboration with the Ministry of Education in Malta where he was entrusted with the design and implementation of a national reform in the teaching and learning of foreign languages in the Maltese Islands. Dr Pace has given several keynote speeches at conferences both in Europe and the United States and has published various academic papers in peer reviewed journals. He is also the author of Marco Largi ovvero Carlo Magri – drammaturgo maltese (1617-1693). Vita e opere (Midsea Books Malta, 2018). In May of 2018 he was awarded the prestigious title of “Cavaliere dell’Ordine della Stella d’Italia” (OSI) by the President of the Italian Republic, in recognition of his significant contribution towards the promotion of the Italian culture in Malta, the strengthening of the relations between Italy and Malta, and especially for the efforts towards the enhancement of the teaching and learning of Italian in Maltese schools and other educational institutions. In January 2020 he was appointed Peer Reviewer and member of the Scientific Committee for the academic journal: Linguistica, Glottodidattica e Intercultura, published by Libreriauniversitaria.it for ANVUR.