Dr Nuria Fuentes-Peláez is a Professor at the Faculty of Education at the University of Barcelona. Currently, she is teaching and researching in the Department of Research Methods and Diagnosis in Education. Her teaching is mainly in the degree of Social Education and in the Master on social and educative interventions where she is the Coordinator of the Master´s Thesis.
She is the head of the research group GRISIJ (Socio Research Group Interventions in Children and Youth). She is a member of various scientific associations and international networks (AIFREF, AIDIPE, APFEL, Foster Care Research Network). Her research is related to child protection, children's welfare systems and family education, especially with regard to foster care and adoption, and mainly using action research orientation. Her research interest has led her to address different issues such as kinship and non-kinship foster care, birth-family interventions, child participation, resilience and socio-educational training and support programs (design, implementation and evaluation).
She has led and participated in several research projects and notably three projects in which she is currently involved: “Keys for the articulation of socio-educational group programs in the foster care and family reunification processes”, funded by the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities of Spain, “The perspective of foster carers and fostered children to face the challenges of foster care” funded by the The Catalan Government and supported by the La Caixa Foundation, and “Growing in Family Today” funded by the European Union. Publications include contributions in various educational and support programs (addressed to foster care and adoptive families, as well as families in vulnerable situations, biological families), book chapters and scientific articles.